Agape Koinonia Alliance, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) non profit public organization, which is qualified to receive tax-deductible charitable bequests, gifts and donations. All monies received will go the specified purposes of the organization.
Agape love (unconditional love) begins when nothing is expected in return.
It isn’t blind, it just sees what matters.
Agape Koinonia Alliance, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non profit public organization
Copyright 2015, Agape Koinonia Alliance, Inc. All rights reserved
People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Therefore, we are seeking individuals to partner with us and show that you care.
To accomplish our goal with students we will award scholarships (but not limited to) to a number of the socio-economically disadvantaged, who will be entering graduate school, and provide resources to those who go without meals to pay rent; we will also share the “Good News,” establish Life/Bible Study Groups, and conduct various outreach activities.
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